Wanting to win isn't always good deed

Finally I made the decision to watch 4 Kings . Frankly speaking I did not think too much about this movie, but I am shocked when I find out this is still a contemporary social problem in Thailand.

4 Kings is a movie about the fights between students from different vocational schools in the 1990s. Students from their own school formed their own gang and all wanted to win. The fight started with physical combat, and levelled up with sword and even guns.

There is a mad straying man that I don’t understand much. For the majority of the students, I believe not all wanted it to be that way. In the movie, the police ever asked why they fight. Actually no one knows. They even wonder whether or not they will still fight if they take the label of their college off from them.

In my understanding, this is a very common pitfall that most people fall into. I have even worked with some very experienced people who simply wanted to prove themselves are useful. I guess those students didn’t think much when they started. It’s probably more of a “should” from their identity recognition and peer influence, but the root might be some conflict between organisations. People tend to look down upon other people so as to reinforce their own confidence. People tend to want to win so as to recognise oneself as capable.

Actually, if we are confident indeed, we do not need it.